Podcast Ep 265: Time: The Illusion We All Bought Into

In this episode of the Flourish Academy podcast, Heather Lahtinen delves into the concept of time and challenges the traditional notion of its existence. Drawing inspiration from various authors and thinkers, she explores the idea that time is a construct of the mind and encourages listeners to rethink their relationship with this elusive concept. Join Heather as she shares thought-provoking insights and invites you to embrace a new perspective on time.
Show Notes:
-The origins of time measurement: From sundials to standardized clocks
-Time as a relative experience: The difference between perceived time and clock time
-Exploring David Gikandi's unconventional take on time from his book "A Happy Pocket Full of Money"
-The soccer field analogy: Understanding time as a sensation of passing events
-Challenging the belief in scarcity: Shifting towards a mindset of abundance and ownership of time
-The practical implications of redefining your relationship with time
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