Podcast Ep 258 - The Hedonic Treadmill: Why Chasing the Ideal is a Never-Ending Journey

business mindset podcast productivity
Flourish Academy Podcast Ep 258

In this episode of the Flourish Academy podcast, host Heather Lahtinen explores the concept of "the gap and the gain" from the book by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy. This episode is a great listen for anyone who wants to change their mindset and achieve more happiness and fulfillment in life. Some of the key points to listen for include:

- An explanation of the difference between the gap and the gain
- Insights into the negative effects of measuring yourself against an ideal or goal in the future
- A discussion of the hedonic adaptation and hedonic treadmill
- Personal examples of how to focus on the gain in different areas of life
- A powerful message about transforming trauma into triumph by reframing experiences in a positive light

Whether you're a photographer, entrepreneur, or simply someone who wants to improve their mindset and achieve greater success, this episode has something for everyone. Tune in to learn how to focus on the gain and achieve more happiness and fulfillment in life.

What to listen for:

  • How comparison is not your fault and why it is inaccurate
  • The importance of focusing on your own progress and comparing yourself to who you were yesterday
  • Why things take time and how to be patient with yourself
  • How congratulating others on their success can attract more of your own
  • Practical tips on shifting your mindset and staying in your own lane
  • Embracing your journey and pursuing your passion on your own terms

Favorite Books

If you'd like to improve your life, check out my favorite business and personal growth and development books. And please don't tell me that reading "isn't your thing."


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