Podcast Ep 257 - Comparison is NOT the thief of joy.

business mindset podcast
Comparison, Focus, Personal Growth

In this episode of the Flourish Academy podcast, host Heather Lahtinen delves into the negative effects of comparison and how to overcome the comparison mindset. Drawing from her experience as a photographer, educator, and entrepreneur, Heather shares her insights and unique perspectives on why comparison is not your fault and how to stay in your own lane.

Through anecdotes and relatable examples, Heather emphasizes the importance of focusing on your own progress, congratulating others on their success, and being patient with yourself. She also shares practical tips on how to become aware of negative thoughts, shift your mindset, and attract success.

Join Heather as she encourages listeners to embrace their own journey and pursue their passion on their own terms, free from the burden of comparison.

What to listen for:

  • How comparison is not your fault and why it is inaccurate
  • The importance of focusing on your own progress and comparing yourself to who you were yesterday
  • Why things take time and how to be patient with yourself
  • How congratulating others on their success can attract more of your own
  • Practical tips on shifting your mindset and staying in your own lane
  • Embracing your journey and pursuing your passion on your own terms


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