Podcast Ep 189 - Finding Harmony in a Busy Life with Leeann Marie

My friend Leeann from Leeann Marie Photography joins me on this episode to talk about finding harmony with business and life when you have many responsibilities. Everyone has a lot on their plate, so how can you manage the stress and overwhelm that comes with a full life?

Major Points from this Episode:

  • It's possible to find harmony in a busy schedule.
  • Determine what is important to you in order to gain clarity.

Actionable Strategies:  

  • Establish boundaries between personal and work time by creating a set schedule.
  • Find something, either with your business or in life that invigorates you and let that passion fuel you in other areas as well.  

Favorite Books

If you'd like to improve your life, check out my favorite business and personal growth and development books. And please don't tell me that reading "isn't your thing."


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